
Deliverables and milestones

Deliverables and milestones are common tools to determine and verify the progress and measure the outcome of a project. They should be meaningful in terms of the project´s objectives and are normally constituted by e.g. a written report or document, a developed tool or software, an organised training or conference. Deliverables and milestones as contractual obligations are often time consuming and seen as a waste of “research” time, as one more administrative task without any use. However, they are not only needed to verify the progress of a project, good planned deliverables and milestones can be used in a profitable way for the project. Projects aim on creating and sharing knowledge, and deliverables and milestones can help to increase the visibility and the impact of the project by disseminating its outcome. Most of our scientific deliverables are therefore public and available as soon as they have been approved by the EC. Besides this, we will share not only the scientific results but will also give general information about the training activities of our ESRs. Some of the initially confidential declared deliverables were reconsidered and will also be public.


D1.1: Novel granular materials and characterization of their properties – Report on the development of the novel granular materials and the characterization of their properties (due month 30, lead GEOS, confidential)

D1.2: Design of P-TRAP system and operating instructions – Technical paper on the application of novel granular materials for removing dissolved P from water streams (due month 36, GEOS, public)

D1.3: Guidelines and recommendations for retaining and recovering Fe-bound P in drainage systems – Report on guidelines and recommendations for retaining and recovering Fe-bound P in drainage systems (due month 40, lead Deltares, public)

D1.4: Compendium on possible pathways to convert P-containing Fe(III) oxides into vivianite – Report or scientific publication on microbially induced production of vivianite from P-containing Fe(III) oxides (due month 40, lead UNIMAN, public)

D1.5: Guidelines and instructions for the application of Fe and P containing solids for soil amelioration – Report on guidelines and instructions for the application of Fe and P containing solids for soil amelioration (due month 42, lead US, public)

D2.1: Reports coupling of Fe and P dynamics in lakes – Report on new insights in the coupling of Fe and P dynamics in lakes (Lead UBT) -achieved-

D2.2: Strategy for achieving long-term P burial in lake sediments by Fe addition – Report containing the envisaged strategy to for achieving long-term P burial in lake sediments by Fe addition (Lead UU, confidential) -achieved-

D2.3: Report on binding dissolved P by adding Fe-containing by-products – Report on the capability of Fe-containing by-products to bind dissolved P in lakes (due month 32, lead UU, changed to public)

D2.4: Report on long-term effects of Fe addition to lakes – Report or scientific publication on long-term effects of Fe addition to lakes (due month 40, lead UU, public)

D2.5: Guideline and instructions for using by-products of water treatment for lake restoration – Report guideline and instructions for using by-products of water treatment for lake restoration (due month 40, lead UBT, public)

D3.1: Kinetic models for the transformation of P containing Fe phases – Report or scientific publication on the development of kinetic models for the transformation of P containing Fe phases (due month 36, lead EAWAG, public)

D3.2: Report on the fate of P during Fe phase transformations – Report or scientific publication on the fate of P during Fe phase transformations in soils (due month 40, lead UNIVIE, public)

D4.1: Transferable Skills Training Course (TSTC) 1 – Course ” Being a scientist in the 21st century” is held (Lead UU) -achieved-

D4.2: Science School 1 – Science School ‘Coupling of Fe and P dynamics on global and microscopic scale’ is held (Lead UU) -achieved-

D4.3: Transferable Skills Training Course (TSTC) 2 – Course ‘E-learning modules as dissemination channels’ is held (Lead UU) -achieved-

D4.4: Career Development Plan – All ESRs finalized a Career Development Plan (CDP) and submitted it to the Training Board (Lead UU, confidential) -achieved-

D4.5: Research log & Training log – All ESRs started Research log & Training log (Lead UU) -achieved-

D4.6: Transferable Skills Training Course (TSTC) 3 – Course “P-TRAP seen from a stakeholder’s perspective” is held (Lead UNIVIE) -achieved-

D4.7: Science School 2 – Science School ‘Modelling nutrient fluxes in soils, rives and lakes’ is held (Lead KU Leuven)-achieved-

D4.8: Transferable Skills Training Course (TSTC) 4 – Course ‘Open science and communicating out of the ivory tower’ is held (Lead KU Leuven) -achieved-

D4.9: Transferable Skills Training Course (TSTC) 5 – Course ‘Entrepreneurship: from innovative idea to business plan’ is held (Lead Deltares) -achieved-

D4.10: Secondments – Progress report on performed secondments (due month 36, lead UU, changed to public)

D4.11: Transferable Skills Training Course (TSTC) 6 – Course ‘What’s next’ is held (due month 37, lead UNIMAN, changed to public)

D4.12: Science School 3 / Stakeholder Workshop – Science School 3 / Stakeholder Workshop “P management and retention from non-point sources” is held (due month 37, lead EAWAG, changed to public)

D5.1: Implementation meeting – Kick-off meeting with representatives from all beneficiaries and partner organisations (Lead UU) -achieved-

D5.2: Final Consortium Agreement – Consortium agreement signed by all beneficiaries and also – on a voluntary basis – by partner organisations (due month 2, lead UU, confidential) -achieved-

D5.3: Supervisory Board of the network – Document establishing the supervisory board and defining the way of working (Lead UU) -achieved-

D5.4: Communication platform – Website is online (Lead UU) -achieved-

D5.5: Data management Plan – Document describing the management of data obtained within P-TRAP including project-wide data storage and the policy of providing open access. This also implies the implementation of the Open Research Data Pilot (Lead UU, confidential) -achieved-

D5.6: SB meetings (Kick-off) – Supervisory Board meeting (Lead UU) -achieved-

D5.7: Contract signed with ESRs – All ESRs have been recruited and have signed the contracts with the host institutions (Lead UU) -achieved-

D5.8: Progress Report – Progress Report submitted to the REA covering the first year implementation of the project (Lead UU) -achieved-

D5.9: SB meeting 2 – Supervisory Board meeting (Lead UU) -achieved-

D5.10: SB meeting 3 – Supervisory Board meeting (Lead UU) -achieved-

D5.11: SB meeting 4 – Supervisory Board meeting (due month 43, lead UU, changed to public)

D6.1: Public-engagement strategy (Lead UU) -achieved-

D6.2: e-learning module (due month 38, lead UU, public)

D6.3: Final conference (due month 42, lead UU, public)

D6.4: Discovery Day (due month 47, lead UU, public)

D6.5: e-newsletter (in english) (due month 34, lead UU, public)

D6.6: Model tools (due month 48, lead UBT, public)

D6.7: End-user manual (due month 48, lead UU, public)

D6.8: Potential inputs for Policy Feedback (due month 48, lead UU, changed to public)

D7.1: EPQ – Requirement No.1 (due month 12, lead UU, changed to public) -achieved-


MS1 (due month 12, lead UU): Recruitment of ESRs – Recruitment complete (report) -achieved-

MS2 (due month 5, lead UU): Structure data base data management – Specifications, design and technical structure of the data base has been defined (report) -achieved-

MS3 (due month 9, lead UU): Selection of suited lakes – Selection finished (report) -achieved-

MS4 (due month 9, lead US): Selection of relevant soil types – Relevant soil types for which the effect of adding P containing Fe phases will be tested have been identified (report) -achieved-

MS5 (due month 9, lead KU Leuven): Protocol solid characterization 7 – A procedure for standard characterization of Fe and P phases in soils and sediments to be shared by all partners has been established (report) -achieved-

MS6 (due month 12, lead UBT): Monitoring strategy lakes – A strategy for monitoring the P and Fe dynamics in lakes will be developed including type of sampling, measured parameters, and frequency (report) -achieved-

MS7 (due month 12, lead GEOS): Specification of sorbents – The required specification of novel granular materials to trap P in drainage systems has been delineated (report) -achieved-

MS8 (due month 12, lead Deltares): Sites selected for drainage systems – In collaboration with the POs suitable sites in drained areas are selected for testing new technologies for retaining Fe bound P (report) -achieved-

MS9 (due month 12, lead UBT): Specification of quantitative models – A framework has been designed which defines the involved processes, the required temporal and spatial resolution of the models (report) -achieved-

MS10 (due month 18, lead UNIMAN): Targets microbial conversion – The targets for the microbial conversion of P-containing Fe(III)oxides in terms of expected characteristics of the input material and the expected product (report) -achieved-

MS11 (due month 18, lead GEOS): Proof of principle of P-TRAP systems – The requisites of the P-TRAP system to retain dissolved P in drainage system have been specified and constrain the design of the system (report) -achieved-

MS12 (due month 18, lead UU): Strategy Fe addition lakes – Based on measurements and model calculations a suitable strategy for adding Fe-containing by-products to lakes has been developed (report) -achieved-

MS13 (due month 24, lead GEOS): Implementation plan P-TRAP system – A detailed plan to implement the P-TRAP system in a drained area has been made (report) -achieved-

MS14 (due month 24, lead UBT): Implementation plan lake restoration – The planning for testing the addition of Fe-containing byproducts to improve water quality in lakes has been finalised (report) -achieved-

MS15 (due month 24, lead US): Implementation plan soil fertilizers – A plan to demonstrate the suitability of Fe-containing phases as soil fertilizers or conditioners has been established (report) -achieved-

MS16 (due month 40, lead UU): Management assessment – Validated management assessment completed (report)

MS17 (due month 12, lead UU): All recruited fellows enrolled in PhD programme – All recruited fellows enrolled in PhD programme (report) -achieved-

MS18 (due month 18, lead UU): Project Check (meeting between REA and consortium) – Project Check (meeting between REA and consortium) -achieved-