Starting with a statement:

Flux of phosphate (P) from agricultural areas to surface waters is wasting a resource which is becoming scarce and is in conflict with the principles of a circular economy. Enhanced loading of surface water with P is the main cause for eutrophication and presents a key challenge in meeting the objectives of the EU Water Framework Directive.
P-TRAP as a European H2020 project targets both problems and develops new methods and approaches to trap P in drained agricultural areas and in the sediments of eutrophic lakes.

P-TRAP is a European Training project. It establishes a framework of 16 partners from multiple science and engineering disciplines and offers a dedicated training program for 11 Early Stage Researchers. By close integration of various stakeholders P-TRAP aims on direct implementation of the acquired knowledge.
Interested in a 15s video pitch about one of our ESR projects? Then have a look at this one, produced by our ESR5 Lordina Eshun from Manchester University. She is interested in microbial-based processes to convert P-loaded Fe(III) oxides into Fe(II) phosphate, Vivianite and other valuable minerals.