Xingyu Liu

Hi, this is Xingyu Liu. I was born in Peking, China and have been living in Switzerland for the last ten years. I’m working on the ESR 1 Project: Development of an on-site phosphorus retention technology under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. Before joining the P-Trap project, I obtained my Bachelor and Master degree in environmental engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). My master thesis was done in the Soil Chemistry Group, titled “Arsenic speciation in paddy rice soils using the diffusive gradients in thin films technique”. During my studies, I focused on biogeochemical processes of soils, sediments and aquatic ecosystems as well as soil/water quality, remediation protection and utilization efficiency of nutrients and fertilizers. I am also interested in in-situ quantification of soil/water and environmental laboratory testing techniques. That is why I decided to apply for the P-Trap project.
Currently I am involved as ESR1 focusing on the development of a cartridge-based P removal system (P-TRAP system) using filter-stable Fe(III)-containing sorbents. A well geochemical characterized monitoring site will be established to ensure continuous P-monitoring during different hydrological conditions. We selected a field site in North-East Bavaria, where the long-term performance of P-Trap systems could be tested. The drainage water from this field site has high concentration of dissolved P and Fe(II). When leaving the drains, Fe(II) becomes oxidized and immobilizes P, which is then transported during rain events. By applying the cartridges in drainage pipes, the chemical nature of bonding of P and its geochemical alterations upon exposure to geochemical field conditions will be investigated.
A highlight of P-Trap project is that we all have connections to other ESRs’ research topics.In particular, there is a great possibility to exchange knowledge by doing secondments. As for me, one is planned with GEOS to test the stability of trapped P under stagnant/reducing conditions. Another one with the University of Manchaster is aimed to test whether P adsorbed to Fe(III) may be accumulated by bacteria under reducing conditions upon reductive dissolution of Fe(III) using sorbent material after exposure to field conditions. In the secondments with DELTARES the effect of hydrology in an environment will be studied in the framework of a joint field campaign. I deeply believe that this mobility dimension of the program will definitely allow me to meet new people with different cultures and way of thinking.
In my free time I enjoy cooking and traveling, so I’m very glad than I will live in this lovely city – Bayreuth for the next few years. Also, I am looking forward to visiting other cities during secondments and training activities.