
P-TRAP is a MSCA-ITN European Training Network. A characteristic of these networks is a combined focus not only on science but also on training of a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative scientists. The overall goal of the P-TRAP training is to provide a platform for Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) to gain knowledge and experience in cutting-edge research on the one hand and in environmental business practices on the other hand. By this P-TRAP will enable young researchers to cope with nutrient and water quality management in a changing environment. To gain competencies in such divers topics, the training within P-TRAP is a collaborative effort of all academic and non-academic participants and includes contributions from external experts and stakeholders.
Training, organised in work package 4, refers to the individual needs of the ESRs and to the common P-TRAP objectives, and includes local and network-wide events. An important aspect of the individual training program is associated with Secondments. Complementary to the main scientific project, each ESR will have three mandatory secondments. The duration depends on the research goals, the precise nature of the interaction and on the specific training needs and can last 1-2 weeks up to several months for the more intensive secondments including experiments and practical field work. The secondments are crucial for the ESR training and for building up and maintaining their active professional network. During secondments, ESRs will gain theoretical knowledge, practical expertise, and personal skills, and experience different research cultures. The consortium as a whole will benefit from the secondments via intensive knowledge exchange, which is explicitly desired for the individual projects.