You are interested new concepts in removal, recycling and management of diffuse Phosphorus? Welcome to our project blogs! P-TRAP is an EU H2020 project, funded as a Maria Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network. P-TRAP combines fundamental and more applied research to develop new strategies to better constrain the P cycle. We will use this blog to share our experiences during our many secondments, field work, lab work, and much more!

New year – new challenges!
This week we started with the first part of our 2nd P-TRAP school. Unfortunately back online, although most of us were secretly hoping for loads of Belgian waffles! The course aims to give an introduction on speciation codes and to get some hands-on about Fe-P interactions. Those speciation codes help to solve biogeochemical equations such…
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Lakes, labs, and a lot of collaboration We are the “lakes group”, busy with unravelling the dynamics of P and Fe in lake sediments. The common goal of our projects is to find a recipe for treating lakes against eutrophication with Fe recycled form drinking water production. We are Melanie (Utrecht University) and Karel (Bayreuth…
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. Hello there! Thank you for reading our blogpost series on “The Journey So Far”. In this third part, Rochelle Saracanlao (ESR2), Lordina Eshun (ESR5) and Tolulope Ayeyemi (ESR8) will share their experiences on the 1st year of their PhD program. Tolulope and Rochelle are focused on “Suitability of P containing Fe phases as fertilizers”,…
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. Hello there! Today, we continue with the series of our blogs on “The Journey So Far”. In this second part, Mingkai Ma (ESR6), Ville Nenonen (ESR7), and Rouven Metz (ESR10) share their first-year experience of their PhD journey. Within the P-TRAP project, Mingkai, Ville and Rouven are focused on the topic of “Processes linking…
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. What a year! For some of our ESRs it was a year on the way to their PhD program. For others, who started later, this year was very tight. We would like to document and share how this trip went for all of us in our new countries and how the research trip has…
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How pot-experiments with rice help feeling home!
– By Rochelle Saracanlao, KULeuven – Within the PTrap project, I am mainly working on the application of iron phosphate (FeP) by-products as fertilizers in rice. Being from a country where rice is part of everyday life, rice does not exude that much excitement. Yes we eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner even eating…
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15 seconds – that’s not much!
Who thought that an elevator pitch is a challenge, this goes beyond! Exact 15 seconds – and only 15 seconds – to explain your research. Lordina accepted the challenge and is awarded with an invitation to participate in the Science is wonderful! exhibition gallery, congratulations! Science is Wonderful! highlights some of the solutions Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions…
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Our first e-learning module!
Some time ago our ESRs were busy with developing and producing e-learning modules for different audiences. Due to Corona this has to be organised remotely, which was quite a challenge. But they managed! Enjoy the first P-TRAP e-learning module!
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Transferable skills – an important part of our training network
Two weeks full of interaction, knowledge exchange, and networking were planned mid July in Utrecht. Within these two weeks we wanted to develop e-learning modules and to follow our first P-TRAP school, with an imbedded 2-days workshop organised by the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP). In the end, so to speak, to top it all off…
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SEDEX training at Utrecht University
This is our first P-TRAP blog on Secondments. Secondments are an essential part of our training network. They give the ESRs the chance to visit partner universities and institutions, and our non-academic partners. In this way expertise and know-how is exchanged – a very useful experience and one of the major strengths of a research…
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