
ESR 2 – Project description

Effect of applying vivianite and P-containing Fe(III)oxides on P bioavailability and dynamics in different agricultural soil types

ESR 2: Rochelle Saracanlao

Supervisor: Prof. Erik Smolders (KU Leuven, Belgium) / Co-supervisor: Prof. Stephan Kraemer (University of Vienna, Austria)

Project description:The project of ESR 2 is dedicated to the effect of applying vivianite and P-containing Fe(IIII)oxides on P bioavailability and dynamics in different agricultural soil types. To capture P losses from agricultural soils, Fe containing products will be applied and these P-containing Fe products can be used again as fertilizers, thereby closing the P cycle in agricultural soils. The ESR will evaluate the agronomic potential of these P-Fe products. The research will include field and plant experiments, biogeochemical and spectroscopic analyses.

Secondments planned:

GEOTEAM: Developing soil-specific recommendations on Fe/P fertilizer applications to agricultural soils based on the analysis of P and Fe bioavailability in field trials (3 months)

UNIVIE: Using nano-detection techniques for determining dissolved free Fe concentrations (2 months)

EAWAG: Characterize Fe/P minerals throughout transformation by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (1 month)